Things I’m Loving Lately: HempLand USA Hemp CBD Oil

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small compensation at no cost to you. All views are my own. I am not a medical professional and am not providing medical advice, but rather my personal experiences with this product.

Over the past few years, CBD products have taken center stage in the wellness space. From tinctures to gummies to coffee blends, CBD (which stands for cannabidiol) is popping up just about everywhere, boasting major health claims along the way. For those who don’t know, CBD comes from marijuana plants, but does not contain the THC component that gives you that “high” feeling you’d typically associate with marijuana. CBD isn’t psychoactive and does not have mind-altering effects. Many take CBD to treat depression and anxiety, reduce chronic pain, and seek other health benefits.

Naturally, I had to know: is CBD worth the hype? Can it really have a noticeable impact? I tried my first CBD product about a year ago, and have since experimented with a few different brands. Most recently, I was gifted a bottle of Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil from HempLand USA, which I was especially excited to test out.

Things I'm Loving Lately: HempLand USA Hemp CBD Oil

HempLand USA

I’ve been a fan of CBD oil ever since I first tried it, but HempLand USA’s product had a few highlights that really stood out to me compared to other brands. Their CBD is enhanced with what they call their ECS5a botanical blend that claims to help your body better absorb the CBD. The blend includes black pepper, clove, jujube, rosemary and hops. As an added benefit, their CBD includes peppermint oil and has the best taste of any CBD tincture I’ve tried so far. Another feature of this product that I really liked was that the dropper bottle actually contains measurements to help you determine the right dosage.

I have been taking CBD oil this year to help alleviate my anxiety, and HempLand USA‘s CBD oil did not disappoint! When taking their CBD, I’ve found my mind calmer and more focused to take on the day’s tasks. I also have noticed a major reduction in my stress levels and fewer physical reactions to my anxiety when taking CBD.

Because of the lack of regulations around CBD right now, I love that HempLand USA actually publishes their lab reports and stands behind the purity of their products. I’m a huge fan of their Full Spectrum tincture and highly recommend!

Have you tried CBD products? How have they worked for you? Sound off in the comments below!

4 Replies to “Things I’m Loving Lately: HempLand USA Hemp CBD Oil”

  1. Thanks for posting this information. I’ve been considering starting a CBD oil but have been struggling to find one that I trust. I appreciate your feedback!

    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful! It’s hard because of the lack of regulations around it, but I really like that this brand has its lab reports online so you can see what is in it. Let me know if you try it! I’ve been such a huge fan and had luck with a few of them.

  2. I’m grateful for articles like this that can be viewed at any time and from any location on the internet. With CBD’s rising popularity, these types of articles can assist consumers, particularly those who are new to CBD, in selecting the best products and brands for them.

    – Dan White

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