

Hi there! I’m Valerie Moses, the brains behind Wellness & Wanderlust. I’m a public relations professional, lifestyle blogger and most recently, a podcaster for the Wellness & Wanderlust podcast. 🙂 The show is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and several other platforms.

In June 2010, I created this blog with the hope of sharing a few scattered thoughts with anyone who would listen. Years later, Wellness & Wanderlust has morphed into a one-stop shop for all things health, travel, and lifestyle, featuring Florida’s hidden gems, clean recipes, college advice, and so much more.


Loves: Alphabetizing. Animals. Art Galleries. Audrey Hepburn. Beaches. Books. Bryan Adams. Dog Rescue. Elephants. Florida. Goat Yoga. Hiking. London. Macarons. Mountains. Museums. Nature. Paris. Pilates. Podcasts. Reality TV. Tea. Travel. Tulips. Writing.


Looking For a Writer or Podcast Guest?
I am always looking for new adventures and opportunities in writing, so please visit my Contact page if you’re looking for a podcast guest, product reviewer or guest blogger!


Social Media: 

Twitter: @moses_says
Facebook: @wellnessandwanderlustblog
Instagram: @wellnessandwanderlustblog
Pinterest: @wellnessandwanderlustblog


28 Replies to “About”

    1. I just looked at their site and it looks amazing! Unfortunately I don’t know if I’d be able to get an application in on time by the 31st (tomorrow). Do they hire by semester or just in the fall? Because if they do it by semester then I could always try for the spring!

    1. Awww thank you so much! I do not attend UF… I considered it briefly but found my home somewhere else. Plenty of my friends go there and love it, though– I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!

      Thanks for all of your feedback. I will definitely check out your blog!

  1. love your blog because of your writing style. i will definitely be checking in. congrats on freshly pressed-that’s how i found you! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! : ) I’m really excited about that… it came as a total shock to me but I was just so thrilled to see it. I really appreciate your comment!

  2. I just found your blog via Freshly Pressed – congrats for making it on, by the by! I will definitely be back to visit 🙂 I graduated from FSU in 2009 and I can relate so much to a lot of what you say – especially the part about being soul mates with your major! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂 It’s so great to find something you love. I started college as a journalism major who knew she didn’t want to be a journalism major, and it really wasn’t fun introducing myself as that. A couple months later after some soul searching and a trip to Career Services, I landed on Advertising/Public Relations, and I couldn’t be happier! What did you major in? It’s nice to meet another student in Florida!

  3. That’s so interesting… it’s so great to find something you’re passionate about. I’ve never met someone who studies that but that is really really cool!

  4. awesome blog….. im your age and also love writing….. my blog is a baby-step in that direction, congratulations 4 making it to freshly-pressed. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I’m only just starting but I love blogging and I can’t wait to get even more involved with it. I’ll have to check your blog out! Thank you 🙂

  5. Hi Val 🙂 You checked out one of my post on my blog and left a comment….so here I am in “your house” and what a GREAT HOUSE IT IS!!! I love your blog…Keep up the great work!!!!

  6. I loveee your blog! I was just wondering if you attend FSU, because that would be amazing! I’m a freshman there right now. Please continue this blog; its been helping me adjust to college life. (:

    1. Thank you so much Stephanie! 🙂 I actually attend UCF, but small world! I know a lot of people at FSU but I have only been up there once. Congratulations on starting college and best of luck in the next four years!

      I’m glad you’ve found my blog helpful. It makes me so happy to hear that! I will be posting a Freshman 15 in the coming week so stay tuned! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

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